All famous investors have diverse portfolios... what's stopping you?

What's the one common factor amongst all of India's wealthiest angel investors?

They're all invested in multiple startups. And they were all invested in multiple startups even before their winning investments generated massive returns.

For you to find your Flipkart or Practo, you can't just invest in a single deal and hope for the best.

You need to invest in multiple deals to maximise the possibility of finding your Flipkart.

This is exactly what portfolio diversifications is about.

We've said it before, and we're saying it again -

Portfolio diversification is not only the key to generating solid returns, it is also a foolproof risk-mitigation strategy.

When one's investments are distributed cleverly balancing risks v/s returns, one's chance of generating good returns maximise.

 You can read all about portfolio diversification here: Many Eggs, Many Baskets: The Importance of Portfolio Diversification.


And if you're curious about what a successful angel's portfolio looks like, take a look at: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Is my portfolio the fairest of them all?

 But if you've still got questions.....

Talk to an experienced angel and get all your queries solved!

We're hosting an Angel Speaks session on Sunday, 18th December, where seasoned angel investor Chandrashekar Kupperi talks about "The Superpower of Portfolio Diversification when Angel Investing"