The Chat GPT Frenzy

An artificial intelligence-based chatbot — ChatGPT — has taken the tech world by storm, with some even calling it a successor to Google or that one day it might replace the world’s largest search engine altogether.

The buzz is palpable even though the chatbot – launched by Elon Musk-founded AI research group Open AI – has only been in beta since December 1. It has already raked in more than a million users.

Recently, its report have gone completely viral LinkedIn (and elsewhere)!

So what exactly is Chat GPT?

This cutting-edge AI technology, developed by OpenAI, allows machines to generate text that is indistinguishable from human writing. And it's not just fluff either - Chat GPT can produce persuasive and engaging content on complex topics like sustainability.

GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 and is a computer language model based on deep learning techniques that can generate human-like text based on inputs.

Reports said that when professors used it to generate answers to questions, the responses were so good that they would yield a perfect score. Programmers meanwhile have been using the chatbot to write codes for little-known languages, which would otherwise have been nearly impossible. Whaaaat?!

What sets ChatGPT apart from other AI-bots?

ChatGPT is essentially a chatbot but is far more advanced than any of its peers. A chatbot is just a piece of software that simulates human-like conversations with users via text messages.

Explaining the mechanism of ChatGPT, OpenAI wrote in its blog post, “We trained this model using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), using the same methods as InstructGPT, but with slight differences in the data collection setup.”

ChatGPT can, among other things, respond to questions, solve math equations, compose text (anything from basic academic articles to literary texts and even movie scripts), write and debug code, translate between languages, summarise a block of text, and give recommendations.

However, ChatGPT is different from its previous versions as it can be used by anyone without a fee – albeit only during the “feedback” period. The firm aims to integrate this feedback to improve the final version.

Also, the chatbot has an in-built self-censoring feature that allows it to reply with responses to questions that are factually incorrect.
Why is the tech world head over heels over ChatGPT?

Well, ChatGPT is just the beginning. Although the bot has its own flaws, it’s still said to be the most sophisticated AI tool in the market. A lot of applications can be envisioned with ChatGPT:

1. Children and teenagers can use it to write essays. They can focus on creativity while the bot handles the basics.

2. GPT3 interfaces can be implemented by other businesses to build their own chatbots with minimal effort (also being done currently).

3. In future, experts suggest that it may even be able to write sophisticated code for apps with a simple input that says “Write code in python to scrape the following website…” If this happens, it’s going to be a game-changer!

The list is endless! We're excited to see where ChatGPT goes.