3200+ Angels & 200% Oversubscription?! 2022 Replay⏪

Can you believe that it's the last day of the year?! Phew. It's been a solid year of meeting you in your inbox for an entire year, no Saturday missed! Here's our last love letter to our beloved network of now 3200+ angels. (Last for 2022, ofcourse.😉) Happy New Year!🎉

We're writing this to you with utmost gratitude. Thank you for making this year a terrific one for us with your endless trust and love.

By now, you’d have finished swiping through your Spotify and Swiggy wrap-ups. So we'd like to show you a wrap-up of 1stCheque's year! Want a glimpse of everything we here at 1stCheque accomplished this year? Here's a rundown👇


From getting our 100th unicorn - Open, to India reaching 85k+ startups and coronating a National Startup Day, 2022 has been a happening year of leaps and learnings.

For the last Favcy Review section of the year, we're summarizing how 2022 fared for the great Indian startup ecosystem. You definitely should give it a read.

Lastly, in the Future@Favcy section, we've got open positions here at Favcy, in case you're looking to join our boat.