Why Horses Stables S4 Should Be On Your Watchlist

By Ninie Verma, Content Associate, 1stCheque by Favcy 

  • Reason#1734 - For every Shark Tank & Dragon's Den fan, this show is a binge-worthy must-watch!
  • Reason#1735 - No other show in India sheds light on our startup ecosystem in this manner. Read on to find out all the other reasons!




India’s Largest Spot Funding Show! Whaaat?

Yes! You read that right! Spanning over 4 seasons and having showcased over 80+ startups, Horses Stable is India's largest spot funding show. The idea is bewildering that a tv show in India could possibly create such big waves for the ecosystem!

The season finale of Horses Stable Season 4 aired last Saturday! And while we’re sad to see the season end, we’re reeling with excitement considering everything that went down this season!

Here's what we love about the show -

Representation of Homegrown VCs


Never in the history of Indian TV shows has the startup ecosystem received representation on such a massive scale! Every season of Horses Stables brings to TV renowned names from Indian VCs that deserve recognition.

This season had Yamika Mehra from OpenbookVC, Aarti Gupta from DBR Ventures, Ankita Vashistha from StrongHer Ventures, Sanjay Mehta from 100X.VC, Mohit Gulati from ITI Growth Opportunities Fund, Mahavir Pratap Sharma of RAIN and Navin Gupta.

It's an entire different experience when you get to see renowned names from the ecosystem star as Horses on the show instead of celebrity entrepreneurs!

A Platform on National TV for Budding Startups

Shark Tank India did it, yes. But not on this scale. Not with this impact. 

Horses Stable serves as the much-needed platform on National TV for budding startups and entrepreneurial masterminds of the nation! A total of 24 startups received funding this season!

Not to mention, 4 of Favcy's own portfolio startups - UrjaBolt, OfExperiences, CALLXP and Skillskonnect, have recieved funding through the show! 

A Sea of Guidance, Support & Mentorship

The Horses won our hearts with their constructive feedback, endless support and passion for the entrepreneurial ecosystem that was visible even off-set!

All the Horses offered support and mentorship to many entrepreneurs featured on the show, even if they did not invest in the funding round. It was refreshing to see judges who truly care.

Healthy Representation of Female Founders

Not only on the board of judges but also in the form of startups showcased on the show! From OfExperiences to Papa Pawsome and Janet’s Little Genius, the show showcased some spectacular female Founders.

It's a Show That Definitely Deserves an Equity of Your Time

It has been quietly altering the perception of entrepreneurship in a job and stability-obsessed country! The show is not only bringing up important conversations about start-ups but showcasing the brilliant entrepreneurial mindsets of the country and budding, homegrown startups that deserve recognition.


It’s a show that is changing dinner table conversations for the better.