Our startup made it to the red carpet?!

Dear Reader,

To think we'd be making it to international film festivals was not something we'd have been able to tell you 2 years back! Favcy just had its first brush with stardom and we're reeling with excitement.


Our portfolio startup PayTamasha's first film - Ghaath premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival! The entire PayTamasha team and our Founding Partner, Pranav Chaturvedi graced the red carpet there, whaaat?! Read more about it in the Portfolio Startup Update section.


Talking about wins, have you seen TellerSpot yet? TellerSpot has been winning over investors recently with it's unique exits-as-a-service model that enables exits for startup investors. Read about it in the Current Open Deals section.


What's more? With tax season around the corner, we decided to decode Angel Tax in the Angel Bytes section.


Lastly, in the Future@Favcy section, we've got open positions here at Favcy in case you're looking to join our boat!

