The startup funding festival that shook the internet.

If I told you that Elon Musk, Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai and Masayoshi Son were all attending a mega startup funding event in Noida, you'd obviously do a double take.

Well, that is what the World Startup Convention claimed. And now the internet is reeling over a funding festival scam.

This week in the Favcy Review section we're diving into the World Startup Convention debacle and how in this era of influencers, investors and founders need to be double wary of where they put their money.

What's more?

In the Asking for an Angel Investor section Yamika Mehra, Partner, Favcy talks about the most important requirement you need to possess to become an angel.

In the Current Open Deals section, we've brought you an agri-tech startup that's set to disrupt the resale of agri-goods - AgREmarket.

Lastly, in the Future@Favcy section, we've got open positions here at Favcy in case you're looking to join our boat!


