Zoho- India's Latest Revenue-nicorn!🦄

By Ninie Verma, Content Associate, 1stCheque by Favcy

Zoho is the new revenue-nicorn of India!🦄

Zoho Corporation on Tuesday announced it has reached $1 billion in annual revenue, riding on its diversified product portfolio.

How did a bootstrapped startup reach $1Bn in solid revenue, smartly avoiding airy valuation-based growth?

What makes Zoho stand out as India's 1st billion-dollar product company?


Here's how billion dollar product companies like Zoho are built -

⏩ Product is king. Zoho focused on building just one product and built it thoroughly.
⏩Building for the customer - Zoho spent 3X more money on R&D than marketing.
⏩Zoho's diversified and money-saving product portfolio gave it the ammunition to reach this $1Bn mark.

⏩Doing it while being completely bootstrapped was a stellar win.

Zoho proved that it is completely possible to grow at a high-pace without mindless cash-burning or blind fundraising to play the valuation game.

This is something all startups must learn.