You are not Warren Buffet.

Dear Reader,

"You are not Warren Buffet."

This is what a random motivational post screamed at me one early Monday morning and it woke me up.

Ofcourse, I knew I was not Warren Buffet. My bank account would have laughed at the irony if it could have. But what makes Warren Buffet "THE" Warren Buffet? This got me thinking.

What makes anybody the best at what they do? It's food for thought, really.

What makes successful angels truly successful? I have the answer to this for you. Find out at our Angel Speaks webinar today! Have you registered yet? REGISTER HERE

This was the same thought that kept plaguing me when I saw LinkedIn's list of "Top Startups of 2022". I couldn't help but wonder - what makes these startups the best of the lot? That is exactly what we're dissecting in this week's Favcy Review section!

Coming to even more interesting news, in this week's Portfolio Update Section, GoodGoodPiggy is bringing to you an exciting event for Mompreneurs! Read about it below.

Lastly, in the Future@Favcy section, we've got open positions here at Favcy in case you are looking to join our boat.



Looking to become a part of a work-culture that is inclusive, transparent, and experience the joy of working together to create something wonderful? We’re looking for people who are as excited as we are to help build our vision. Come join forces with us!

Here are some of the current openings:

1. Growth Operators (multiple openings) - Apply Here

2.  Growth Internship (Kolkata, On-site) - Apply Here

Do share with your contacts if you know someone who'll fit into the shoe! We'd be grateful.

Check out all the other openings here!  

Stay tuned to receive the latest industry trends, investor insights, our exclusive angel bytes, and much more!


 A platform for first-time angel investors to learn the science of early-stage startup evaluation. Get exclusive access to pre-vetted deal flow and make your first investment.     




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